University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
Invesis and VAMED are responsible for the planning, construction, and renovation of one of Europe’s largest centres for medical care at its locations in Kiel and Lübeck in Germany.
Finde mehr herausUnser Team von über 100 hochqualifizierten Infrastruktur- und Investmentexperten kooperiert in einem Netzwerk von Standorten in den Niederlanden, dem Vereinigten Königreich, Deutschland, Irland, Belgien, Australien und Nord-Amerika. Gemeinsam haben wir bereits 50 Projekte im Wert von mehr als 12 Milliarden Euro zum Abschluss gebracht.
Invesis and VAMED are responsible for the planning, construction, and renovation of one of Europe’s largest centres for medical care at its locations in Kiel and Lübeck in Germany.
Finde mehr herausDeutschland
The availability model A10/A24 Neuruppin to AD Pankow motorway, located near the German capital, Berlin, is the first of 11 projects of the so-called ‘new generation’ wave of infrastructure PPP projects that was launched by the German Ministry of Transport in 2015.
Finde mehr herausDeutschland
The project includes the design, planning, construction, operations, routine and heavy maintenance, and financing to complete the widening of a 46.5 km motorway section adding an additional lane in each direction over 19 km.
Finde mehr herausDeutschland, Deutschland
The A8 project was the first of four pilot projects under the A-Model programme, involving the widening of heavily congested German motorways.
SPV General Manager Christian Diringer outlined the background to the A8 project.
„The A8 is a corridor belonging to the Trans-European Network (TEN) in Southern Germany.“
Finde mehr herausDeutschland, Deutschland
This project comprised the design, build, financing, maintenance, and operation of Brandenburg’s new parliament building, erected in the heart of the city of Potsdam, Germany, on the foundations of the old city palace at the ‚Old Marketplace‘.
The new 19,000 m2 building is used by members of parliament of the federal state of Brandenburg as well as by the States Audit Office (Landesrechnungshof).
Finde mehr herausWir liefern und verwalten Projekte in den Sektoren Verkehr, soziale Infrastruktur und Wasserinfrastruktur, mit Zugang zu internationaler Expertise, kombiniert mit lokalem Wissen und Präsenz durch unsere Anteilseigner.