A10 / A24 Motorway
The availability model A10/A24 Neuruppin to AD Pankow motorway, located near the German capital, Berlin, is the first of 11 projects of the so-called ‘new generation’ wave of infrastructure PPP projects that was launched by the German Ministry of Transport in 2015.
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The challenge
The client, DEGES GmbH and the Federal Republic of Germany, was looking for an experienced partner to design, build, finance, maintain and operate their project which involved widening the A10 motorway to six lanes for a length of 29.7 km of motorway, and reconstructing the A24 with four lanes, plus an extended hard shoulder for a length of 29.2 km. As one of the busiest roads in the region, the objective was to reduce travel times, improve road safety and enhance road capacity.
In addition to the motorway, the construction scope of works also included several bridges (27 replacement constructions, 10 new constructions and two demolitions), noise protection walls, traffic sign bridges, traffic management installation, interchanges, rest areas and secondary/agricultural roads.
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Construction of Brandenburg's largest federal motorway project is on schedule and will be completed by the end of 2022.
The solution
The Invesis-HABAU consortium, Havellandautobahn GmbH & Co. KG, was appointed the preferred bidder in 2017 due to their expertise and experience in financing and delivering similar large road infrastructure projects with successful outcomes.
The construction activities were carried out by German civil engineering company Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau in cooperation with the Austrian company HABAU.
The A10/A24 was the first national project to integrate Building Information Modelling (BIM) and it was used in a section of 5km for design and construction, and parts of the heavy maintenance scope. The operation and maintenance (O&M) works and services (including winter services) cover the entire contract section with a total length of approximately 64.2 km of motorway, including 51 bridges (37 new constructions and 14 existing). The winter services also include the 10.3 km section of A10 from interchange Havelland to AS Falkensee. The O&M works are carried out by Invesis and HABAU.
Construction is taking place while the road remains open to traffic. To keep disruption to a minimum, construction is carried out in sections of road with a series of partial handovers and the final construction hand-over scheduled to take place at the end of 2022.