Antwerp tramline – Brabo 2
The Flemish public transport operator De Lijn, the Flemish Roads and Traffics Agency, and the City of Antwerp awarded the contract for the construction of the PPP tram project Northern line, to the consortium TramContractors. Partners in this consortium are Invesis and Cofely Fabricom (ENGIE).
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The challenge
Brabo 2 is the third DBFM project to be initiated, with De Lijn (the Flemish public transport operator), the Flemish Roads and Traffics Agency, and the City of Antwerp as clients (De Lijn figures as Contracting Authority).
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Capital value
The solution
SPV General Manager Geert Deleebeeck outlines the background to the Brabo 2 project.
„The project involved three contracts — one DBFM contract concerning the tram development, one DBFM contract concerning the non-tram part (roads) and a DBF contract concerning a short tunnel, two moving bridges, public space, and underground parking.
„It was part of an agreement between the Flemish Government and the City of Antwerp to deliver the ‘Master Plan 2020’ which was aimed at enhancing traffic infrastructure (both tram and roads) in and around the city of Antwerp, in the north of Belgium.“