Beveren Prison
The Belgium Buildings Agency (Regie der Gebouwen/Régie des Bâtiments) awarded Invesis the contract for the provision of a prison in Beveren
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The innovation
Archivolt Architects and BAM Utiliteitsbouw were responsible for the design of the prison, and Interbuild and Galère were responsible for the construction. BAM FM is responsible for the maintenance of the prison. BAM provides hard facilities management for a period of 25 years and soft facilities management for a period of five years, which is limited to cleaning, gardening, laundry, and catering services. Due to a satisfying and successful cooperation with the Federal Department for Justice (User of the prison) the soft facility management contract was extended for another 5 years.
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Capital Value
The solution
The prison consists of :
- two courtrooms;
- a visitors area;
- a reception area for prisoners;
- an administrative services area;
- a control and intervention area;
- a central prison building containing 300 prison cells;
- a logistics building, including workspace, technical services, kitchen, and laundry services; and
- an outdoor sports area and internal sports room.