Unser *Portfolio*

Unser Team von über 100 hochqualifizierten Infrastruktur- und Investmentexperten kooperiert in einem Netzwerk von Standorten in den Niederlanden, dem Vereinigten Königreich, Deutschland, Irland, Belgien, Australien und Nord-Amerika. Gemeinsam haben wir bereits 50 Projekte im Wert von mehr als 12 Milliarden Euro zum Abschluss gebracht.

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  • Sektoren

Bristol Schools

Bristol Schools Phase 1A

Vereinigtes Königreich, Vereinigtes Königreich

This Bristol City Council PFI project involved the replacement of four of Bristol’s 18 secondary schools in the city’s urban communities, accommodating more than 4,000 students.

Invesis, together with its partners BAM Construction and BAM FM, worked closely with Bristol City Council and the individual schools to deliver four new replacement schools on the existing sites.

The development included:

  • Bedminster Down School (1,080 pupils): Facilities for 1,080 students, including extensive floodlit sports facilities.
  • Henbury School (945 places for 11 to 16-year-olds): Facilities for 945 students, including a six-lane 25-metre swimming pool, fitness centre, dance studio, and an all weather pitch with floodlights (amenities which were also open to the local community).
  • Monks Park School (now Orchard Schools): Facilities for 1,080 students, including floodlit sports facilities and the retention of the existing City Learning Centre.
  • Portway Community School (now Oasis Academy Brightstowe): Facilities for 945 students, incorporating a 36-student autism centre and a floodlit sports area.
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Bromsgrove Schools

Vereinigtes Königreich, Vereinigtes Königreich

Worcestershire County Council took the decision to build seven new schools (two High Schools, two Middle Schools, and three First Schools) in the area of Bromsgrove, England, complete with community facilities on five sites. The new schools cater for approximately 1,740 pupils.

Having carried out a review of the schools in the Bromsgrove area of Worcestershire, the local county council decided to expand its education facilities.

The scheme proposed was to build seven new schools including two High schools, two Middle schools, and three First schools, with enhanced community facilities on five sites. Four of the seven schools were built on their existing sites and the remaining three schools were built on two new sites.

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Bromsgrove Schools
Solihull Schools

Solihull Schools

Vereinigtes Königreich, Vereinigtes Königreich

Invesis were awarded the contract to design, build, finance, maintain, and operate three schools and design and build one school for the „Building Schools for the Future“ programme, accommodating 4,290 pupils.

The development included:

  • Archbishop Grimshaw Roman Catholic VA School: Replacement 1,400 pupil secondary school on existing site.
  • Smith’s Wood Sports College: Replacement 1,400 pupil secondary school.
  • Park Hall School: Replacement 1,400 pupil secondary school.
  • Lanchester School and Pupil Referral Unit: Purpose-built special needs school for 50 pupils, a 40-place pupil referral unit, and a sports hall.
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West Dunbartonshire Schools

Vereinigtes Königreich, Vereinigtes Königreich

The West Dunbartonshire Schools project involved new-build replacement facilities for three secondary schools and one primary school in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland.

A showcase for 21st Century education facilities, Invesis’ work on the West Dunbartonshire Schools project demonstrated the group’s ability to deliver school buildings which make a huge and long-lasting contribution to the lives of local people.

Part of West Dunbartonshire’s „Building Our Future Schools“ initiative, the project was partly inspired by the local council’s concern that the area’s communities had insufficient access to sports and leisure facilities.

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West Dunbartonshire Schools
Ghent Student Accommodation

Ghent Student Accommodation

Belgien, Belgien

Ghent Student Accommodation was the first Belgian accommodation design, build, finance, operation, and maintenance contract.

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New Partnership Facility, Thomas Bennett Community College

Vereinigtes Königreich

This project involved the design, build, finance, and maintenance of a new building on the Thomas Bennett Community College site.


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Thomas Bennett Community College

Globale Projekte

Wir liefern und verwalten Projekte in den Sektoren Verkehr, soziale Infrastruktur und Wasserinfrastruktur, mit Zugang zu internationaler Expertise, kombiniert mit lokalem Wissen und Präsenz durch unsere Anteilseigner.

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