Unser *Portfolio*
Unser Team von über 100 hochqualifizierten Infrastruktur- und Investmentexperten kooperiert in einem Netzwerk von Standorten in den Niederlanden, dem Vereinigten Königreich, Deutschland, Irland, Belgien, Australien und Nord-Amerika. Gemeinsam haben wir bereits 50 Projekte im Wert von mehr als 12 Milliarden Euro zum Abschluss gebracht.


East Ayrshire Community Hospital
Vereinigtes Königreich
The Ayrshire and Arran Primary Care NHS Trust, located in Scotland, entered into an agreement with a consortium led by Invesis for the provision of a 98-bed Community Hospital in Cumnock, Ayrshire. The consortium designed, built, and financed the hospital and currently provides all non-clinical services.
The Trust was one of the first in the National Health Service to procure this type of contract as a PFI scheme. The aim was to create a single site Community Hospital which would meet the needs of the residents of Cumnock, Mauchline, and surrounding areas.
Finde mehr herausWharfedale Locality Hospital
Vereinigtes Königreich, Vereinigtes Königreich
Wharfedale Locality Hospital was designed to replace the former accommodation and facilitate the delivery of clinically safe and effective healthcare services in Otley, England.
It is a 76-bed hospital, over an area of 9,500 m2, and serves the areas of Wharfedale and North Leeds.
A key objective of the Wharfedale Hospital project was to take advantage of the location and setting and to provide an attractive environment and a patient-friendly building for the local community.
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University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
Invesis and VAMED are responsible for the planning, construction, and renovation of one of Europe’s largest centres for medical care at its locations in Kiel and Lübeck in Germany.
Finde mehr herausBAM consortium reaches financial close on University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
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Globale Projekte
Wir liefern und verwalten Projekte in den Sektoren Verkehr, soziale Infrastruktur und Wasserinfrastruktur, mit Zugang zu internationaler Expertise, kombiniert mit lokalem Wissen und Präsenz durch unsere Anteilseigner.