N33 Assen-Zuidbroek
This project involved an upgrade of the N33 in the Netherlands from a two-way road into a dual carriageway with two lanes in each direction.
Finde mehr herausUnser Team von über 100 hochqualifizierten Infrastruktur- und Investmentexperten kooperiert in einem Netzwerk von Standorten in den Niederlanden, dem Vereinigten Königreich, Deutschland, Irland, Belgien, Australien und Nord-Amerika. Gemeinsam haben wir bereits 50 Projekte im Wert von mehr als 12 Milliarden Euro zum Abschluss gebracht.
This project involved an upgrade of the N33 in the Netherlands from a two-way road into a dual carriageway with two lanes in each direction.
Finde mehr herausDeutschland
This project was created to improve the trunk road network in the south-east of Bavaria and to connect the industrial locations there with the greater Munich area.
Finde mehr herausIrland
The N11 Arklow to Rathnew PPP contract saw BAM PPP and its sister company BAM Civil work in partnership with Transport Infrastructure Ireland on a project for the design, build, finance, operation, and maintenance of the N7 Newlands Cross Flyover and the N11 Arklow Rathnew Dual Carriageway.
The N11 Arklow Rathnew connected the existing M11 Arklow bypass with the M11 Rathnew/Ashford bypass and created a 90 km stretch of motorway/dual carriageway between Dublin and Gorey.
Finde mehr herausVereinigtes Königreich
Invesis – as part of the RiverLinx consortium, comprising Macquarie Capital, Cintra, Aberdeen Standard Investments, and SK E&C – are designing, building, financing, operating and maintaining the new Silvertown Tunnel for Transport for London (TfL).
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Wir liefern und verwalten Projekte in den Sektoren Verkehr, soziale Infrastruktur und Wasserinfrastruktur, mit Zugang zu internationaler Expertise, kombiniert mit lokalem Wissen und Präsenz durch unsere Anteilseigner.