Notre *portefeuille*
Nos équipes, composées d’une centaine d’experts en infrastructures et en financement de projet, aux Pays-Bas, au Royaume-Uni, en Irlande, en Allemagne, en Belgique, en Australie et en Amérique du Nord, ont une cinquantaine de projets finalisés à leur actif pour une valeur en capital de 12 milliards d’euros.

Invesis consortium ABC 02 reaches financial close with vzw Ignatius Schools in Motion for the Egied Van Broeckhoven School.
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Camden Schools
The London Borough of Camden Council – after receiving funding from central government to enter the national Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme – awarded Invesis the contract to build three new schools in the Borough of Camden, accommodating 2,930 students.
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Dalkeith Schools Community Campus
The Dalkeith Schools project consists of the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and financing of a Community Campus comprising three schools and central sports and leisure facilities for shared school and community use, accommodating more than 2,000 pupils.
The original buildings of Dalkeith High School and St David’s Roman Catholic High School were unable to meet the full curricular needs of a modern school adequately within their existing premises.
Site constraints at one of the schools and proposed new housing in the area led Midlothian Council to decide to relocate both the secondary schools and amalgamate the local Special Education Needs (SEN) schools to a new greenfield site on the edge of the town.
Plus d’infoCrawley Schools
The Crawley Schools PFI project comprises the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and financing of three new secondary school facilities in neighbouring communities in Crawley, England, accommodating 4,000 pupils.
The Crawley Schools project encompassed the following:
- a new 1,450-place secondary school (Oriel High School) on a green field site for the growing Maidenbower neighbourhood; and
- replacement schools for the 1,450-student Thomas Bennett Community College and the 1,100-student Ifield Community College, both of which were constructed on the existing school sites.

Projets mondiaux
Nous réalisons et gérons des projets dans les secteurs des transports, des infrastructures sociales et des infrastructures hydrauliques, en ayant accès à une expertise internationale combinée à une connaissance et une présence locale grâce à nos actionnaires.