Notre *portefeuille*
Nos équipes, composées d’une centaine d’experts en infrastructures et en financement de projet, aux Pays-Bas, au Royaume-Uni, en Irlande, en Allemagne, en Belgique, en Australie et en Amérique du Nord, ont une cinquantaine de projets finalisés à leur actif pour une valeur en capital de 12 milliards d’euros.


East Ayrshire Community Hospital
Supporting the NHS in delivering vital healthcare infrastructure to local communities in East Ayrshire.
Quality health care contributes greatly to people living longer and healthier lives. The efficient delivery of healthcare for elderly patients in Cumnock, Scotland needed to improve, to ensure that patients could receive the services they required.
In 2000, the Ayrshire and Arran NHS Board delivered East Ayrshire Community Hospital (EACH) in response to the surrounding elderly population’s need for healthcare services to be carried out in a more domestic atmosphere.
The vision for EACH was to deliver healthcare as close to home as possible, supported by a network of community services with safe, effective and timely access to high quality specialist services for those whose needs could not be met in the community.
Plus d’infoWharfedale Locality Hospital
Wharfedale Locality Hospital was designed to replace the former accommodation and facilitate the delivery of clinically safe and effective healthcare services in Otley, England.
It is a 76-bed hospital, over an area of 9,500 m2, and serves the areas of Wharfedale and North Leeds.
A key objective of the Wharfedale Hospital project was to take advantage of the location and setting and to provide an attractive environment and a patient-friendly building for the local community.
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BAM consortium reaches financial close on University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
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Projets mondiaux
Nous réalisons et gérons des projets dans les secteurs des transports, des infrastructures sociales et des infrastructures hydrauliques, en ayant accès à une expertise internationale combinée à une connaissance et une présence locale grâce à nos actionnaires.