Our *portfolio*

Our team of over 120 highly skilled infrastructure and investment experts have reached financial close on over 50 projects with a value of more than €12 billion, from a network of bases across the Netherlands, UK, Germany, Ireland, Belgium and Australia.

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Irish Courts Bundle 1


‘Enhancing historical courthouses across Ireland, making them fit for purpose in the 21st century’

To revitalise Ireland’s economy, Ireland’s Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, announced in 2012 the Government’s intention to launch a €2.25 bn Infrastructure Stimulus Package. The Courts Bundle 1 PPP project, procured by the National Development Finance Agency (NDFA) on behalf of the Courts Service and the Department of Justice & Equality, was part of the Stimulus Package.  

The €149 million project comprises refurbishment and extension work to existing courthouses in Cork, Mullingar and Waterford, and the development of new courthouse buildings in Drogheda, Letterkenny, Limerick and Wexford.  

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N11 Arklow Rathnew PPP


The N11 Arklow to Rathnew PPP contract saw BAM PPP and its sister company BAM Civil work in partnership with Transport Infrastructure Ireland on a project for the design, build, finance, operation, and maintenance of the N7 Newlands Cross Flyover and the N11 Arklow Rathnew Dual Carriageway.

The N11 Arklow Rathnew connected the existing M11 Arklow bypass with the M11 Rathnew/Ashford bypass and created a 90 km stretch of motorway/dual carriageway between Dublin and Gorey.

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Global projects

We deliver and manage projects in the transportation, social infrastructure and water infrastructure sectors, with access to international expertise combined with local knowledge and presence through our shareholders.

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