M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy

The background
To improve road safety and make long tailbacks a thing of the past, Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) launched the M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy PPP scheme. The project entailed the construction of three sections of road, creating an additional 26 km stretch of motorway/dual carriageway between Dublin and Wexford.
In 2015, a consortium compromising Invesis and Iridium Concessionaires de Infrastructure S.A. were awarded the PPP contract to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the concession. The project forms a strategic component of the national primary route network, providing a high-quality link within the southeast regions.
Due to the lifecycle approach of the PPP model and excellent relationships formed between the consortium, our partners and the client, the M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy is now a high quality, fully operational asset.
TII (Transport Infrastructure Ireland)
Capital Value
Invesis, Iridium Concessionaires de Infrastructure S.A.
Consortium/Project Company
Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC)
BAM Civil Ltd, Dragados Ireland Ltd
Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
BAM Civil Ltd, Iridium Concessionaires de Infrastructure S.A.
Business value
The project was part of Transport Infrastructure Ireland’s stimulus package to provide major road infrastructure investment in rural areas. Since becoming operational, the M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy motorway has improved connectivity between regions, reduced road collisions and generated positive economic benefits for local businesses.
The scheme included fifty-seven new structures, including eight overbridges, five under bridges, thirty-one farm accommodation underpasses, and three rail river bridges.
By partnering with Invesis and Iridium Concessionaires de Infrastructure S.A., the project was delivered three months in advance of the construction schedule. Prompt delivery of the concession was paramount for the client to minimise disruption to motorists and significantly improve traffic flow.

Key features
By using the PPP model and partnering with Invesis and Iridium Concessionaires de Infrastructure S.A. the project…
- won InfraNews Best Projects of 2015 Award
- won European Road Deal of the Year at the 2015 IJGlobal Awards
- has reduced travel times on the Dublin to Wexford route by approximately 15 minutes during off-peak times and 30 minutes during peak times