Onze projecten en ervaring

Ons team van meer dan 100 hoogopgeleide experts op het gebied van infrastructuur en investeringen, heeft Financial Close bereikt voor 50 projecten met een waarde van meer dan € 12 miljard, vanuit vestigingen in Nederland, het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Ierland, Duitsland, België, Australië en Noord-Amerika.
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  • Markten

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 High Speed Line Zuid

High Speed Line Zuid


The HSL-Zuid project is the largest public-private partnership contract ever awarded by the Dutch government and one of the largest high-speed railway projects in Europe to date.

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Liefkenshoek Railway Connection


The Liefkenshoek Railway Connection project involves the construction and maintenance of the civil infrastructure for a new 16.2 km freight-only railway linking the western docks and eastern docks of Antwerp.

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Liefkenshoek Railway Connection

Antwerp tramline – Brabo 2


The Flemish public transport operator De Lijn, the Flemish Roads and Traffics Agency, and the City of Antwerp awarded the contract for the construction of the PPP tram project Northern line, to the consortium TramContractors. Partners in this consortium are Invesis and Cofely Fabricom (ENGIE). 

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Cross River Rail


In June 2019, the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority awarded Invesis, as part of the Pulse consortium, the Cross River Rail – Tunnel, Stations and Development (TSD) public private partnership (PPP) project.

The Pulse consortium comprises Invesis, Pacific Partnerships, Ghella, DIF, BAM, CPB Contractors, Ghella Investments and Partnerships, and UGL.

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Cross River Rail station

Wereldwijde projecten

Wij leveren en beheren projecten in transport, gebouwen, water en maritieme sector, met toegang tot internationale expertise gecombineerd met lokale kennis en aanwezigheid.

Global projects map
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