Onze projecten en ervaring

Ons team van meer dan 100 hoogopgeleide experts op het gebied van infrastructuur en investeringen, heeft Financial Close bereikt voor 50 projecten met een waarde van meer dan € 12 miljard, vanuit vestigingen in Nederland, het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Ierland, Duitsland, België, Australië en Noord-Amerika.
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Constructed in 1932, the Afsluitdijk, which runs from Den Oever in North Holland province of the Netherlands to the village of Kornwerderzand in Friesland province, has protected large parts of the country for generations against flooding from the Wadden Sea and the IJsselmeer freshwater lake.

But after more than 85 years in service, the 32 km dam no longer met current requirements for flood protection and water discharge and required major reconstruction. To address the ever-present danger, Rijkswaterstaat determined that it was essential to reinforce the Afsluitdijk to ensure the Netherlands can withstand the global increase in extreme weather. After the dike has been reinforced, the dike and its structures can withstand a storm that occurs once every ten thousand years.<

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IJmuiden Sea Lock


After almost 100 years in operation, the northern lock in Ijmuiden, Netherlands located at the mouth of the North Sea Canal, connecting Amsterdam with the sea, was approaching the end of its technical lifespan. A study conducted in 2007/2008 concluded that the lock needed to be replaced with a new larger lock to facilitate the growing number of sea vessels.  

Rijkswaterstaat delivered the new lock which will significantly boost the local economy, address growing demand for goods, and improve the transport route to ports and businesses situated along the North Sea Canal. The lock is the largest sea lock in the world, approximately 70m wide, 500m long and 18m deep. 

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Wereldwijde projecten

Wij leveren en beheren projecten in transport, gebouwen, water en maritieme sector, met toegang tot internationale expertise gecombineerd met lokale kennis en aanwezigheid.

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