Our *portfolio*

Our team of over 120 highly skilled infrastructure and investment experts have reached financial close on over 50 projects with a value of more than €12 billion, from a network of bases across the Netherlands, UK, Germany, Ireland, Belgium and Australia.

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Peacehaven Schools

Peacehaven Schools


The Peacehaven Schools project involves the design, build, financing, and maintenance of a new secondary school in Peacehaven, the rebuilding of three primary schools, and an extension of one primary school, altogether accommodating more than 2,000 pupils.

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Irish Schools PPP Programme – Bundle 4


The Irish Government’s Department of Education and Skills (DoE) launched a PPP Schools Bundle programme to address the increasing demand in rapidly developing areas, with the intention to replace existing schools with new accommodation or provide new accommodation for existing schools.  

The purpose of the programme was to deliver inspirational high-quality teaching and learning environments for students through first class building solutions and state of the art facilities. The new schools would also increase opportunities for lifelong learning and boost economic prosperity within local communities, generating work for local businesses.  

Procured by the National Development Finance Agency (“NDFA”) on behalf of the DoE, the programme was a major investment in education infrastructure by way of public private partnership (“PPP”) arrangements.  

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East Renfrewshire Schools


As part of their vision for children, young people, and their families, East Renfrewshire Council in Scotland took the decision to replace the area’s existing Williamwood High School and Carlibar Primary School and extend the existing Mearns Castle and Woodfarm High Schools.

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BAM PPP consortium selected Preferred Bidder on Egied Van Broeckhoven School, Belgium.

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Minister opens Skibbereen school as part of €70 million BAM PPP project

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BAM reaches Financial Close on first project in Irish Government’s Stimulus Programme – Schools PPP Programme, Bundle 4

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Global projects

We deliver and manage projects in the transportation, social infrastructure and water infrastructure sectors, with access to international expertise combined with local knowledge and presence through our shareholders.

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