Our *portfolio*

Our team of over 120 highly skilled infrastructure and investment experts have reached financial close on over 50 projects with a value of more than €12 billion, from a network of bases across the Netherlands, UK, Germany, Ireland, Belgium and Australia.

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Burgdorf Prison

Zeughausareal Burgdorf


The Zeughausareal Burgdorf project was Switzerland’s first PPP project and encompassed the demolition of the old buildings, as well as the planning, financing, construction, and operation of three planning units, a prison with 110 beds, a street inspection office (including an operation centre and an administration centre), over an area of 30,000m2.

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Derby Police Headquarters


Located at St Mary’s Wharf in Derby, the new Divisional Headquarters and City Section Station was Derbyshire Police Authority’s second PFI contract and involved the design, construction, finance, operation, and maintenance of a new purpose-built police station and Divisional HQ.

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Derby Police Headquarters
Cheshire Police Headquarters

Cheshire Police Headquarters


Invesis and our partners transformed a greenfield site in Winsford, England, into a state-of-the-art police headquarters and training centre which operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The challenges of the modern-day criminal justice system demand that Britain’s police forces have the best technology, equipment, and facilities to enable them to deliver the most effective service to local communities.

For Cheshire Police Authority, changes in general approaches to policing across the country, coupled with a drive to improve the quality of service provided to the public, were the impetus behind their decision to replace their existing facilities.

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Bremervoerde Prison


The State of Lower Saxony and Invesis, together with Royal BAM Group companies BAM Deutschland and Müller-Altvatter Gebäudemanagement, designed, built, financed, and now maintain and operate the State’s first PPP prison project in the City of Bremervoerde

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Bremervoerde Prison
Beveren Prison

Beveren Prison


The Belgium Buildings Agency (Regie der Gebouwen/Régie des Bâtiments) awarded Invesis the contract for the provision of a prison in Beveren

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Dendermonde Prison


‘Investing in essential social infrastructure that prepares detainees for reintegration into society’

Prisons in Belgium have become overcrowded in recent years due to an increase in incarcerations, as a result, investment in infrastructure was necessary to tackle capacity issues. To improve prison facilities and address overpopulation, the Belgium Buildings Agency (Regie der Gebouwen/Régie des Bâtiments) will deliver a new prison in Dendemonde near Antwerp Belgium, which will accommodate 444 inmates.

The concept of the prison is based on a humane view of detention, with the aim to prepare detainees for reintegration into society. Dendermonde prison is in line with the Belgian Government’s 2008 masterplan for Detention and Internment in Humane Conditions, which entails the construction of new prisons and the renovation of existing facilities.


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Global projects

We deliver and manage projects in the transportation, social infrastructure and water infrastructure sectors, with access to international expertise combined with local knowledge and presence through our shareholders.

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